63. One such study investigated the lexical inventories of 12 mostly Indo-European languages and found that syllable onsets have a considerably higher functional load, giving them an extraordinary status61. Conversely, word-final positions have been shown to have a reduced degree of structural ...
Speech consists of a continuous stream of acoustic signals, yet humans can segment words and other constituents from each other with astonishing precision. The acoustic properties that support this process are not well understood and remain understudied
The manager's arguments are related to the impossibility of a PwD to perform certain tasks: “We cannot open a position to people that may not be able to fulfill the position's requirements” (M). In the case of employees with hearing disabilities, it was reported that the selection of ...
(F, Sp, Su) H R 5003 Theoretical Foundations Of Human Relations 3 Credit Hours Prerequisite: admission to the degree program in human relations or permission of department. An analysis of human relations theories and concepts from the perspectives of the social sciences, ...
The required qualification degree depends on the experimental protocol itself. Researchers have to submit the confirmation that they are trained to work with experimental animals. This could be a certificate of the course attended at the Faculty of Medicine or any related scientific/research institution...
Personalization and localization are important when developing social robots for different sectors, including education, industry, healthcare or restaurants. This allows for an adjustment of robot behaviors according to the needs, preferences or personal
Functional coexistence in the context of human–human interactions includes a range of coexistence types, arranged in terms of the degree to which adversaries are recognized and legitimated [56]. Power may be shared or asymmetrical but exercised to create and defend conditions that preserve a state...
This research aims to explore the relationship between critical thinking and the halo effect among managers working in the Human Resources (HR) departments of corporations. By utilizing a sample of over 301 corporate HR managers as participants, this study provides valuable insight into the dynamics ...
Our supplementary analysis evaluating the degree of attention during gait observation showed that the VAS score of the condition where the participants observed the walker’s ankle joint movement was significantly higher than that of the condition where the participants unrestrictedly observed the walker’...
HRI can be classified on the basis of the degree of cooperation in the following ways: supervised autonomy (robot operates autonomously but under human supervision); full autonomy (robot operates independently); teleoperation (human controls robot remotely); collaborative control (human and robot work...