403: "Forbidden", 404: "Not Found", 405: "Method Not Allowed", 406: "Not Acceptable", 407: "Proxy Authentication Required", 408: "Request Timeout", 409: "Conflict", 410: "Gone", 411: "Length Required", 412: "Precondition Failed", 413: "Request Entity Too Large", 414: "Request...
4xx 客户端错误状态码 400:bad request:服务器无法理解客户端发送的请求,可能是请求格式错误;401:Unauthorized:客户端没有提供有效的身份验证;403:forbidden:客户端没有访问权限;404:not found:请求资源不存在,通常是url写错了 5xx 服务器错误状态码 500:internal server error:服务器处理请求时发生错误,比如服务器程...
常用的HTTP状态码: 2XX-请求成功、3XX-重定向、301-永久重定向、302-临时重定向、303-请求其他资源、4XX-客户端错误、401-未认证、403-被拒绝、404-资源不存在、405-不允许使用该方法、5XX服务器端错误、500-服务器内部错误、502-错误网关、503-服务不可用、504-网关超时。 NSURL Error Code List: enum : ...
表示资源不可用。服务器理解客户的请求,但拒绝处理它,通常由于服务器上文件或目录 的权限设置导致的WEB...
1 前言 高性能的HTTP和反向代理服务器,Nginx用来: 搭建Web Server 作负载均衡 供配置的日志字段丰富,从各类HTTP头部到内部性能数据都有 Nginx的访问日志中,存在499状态码的日志。但常见4xx状态码只有400、401、403、404等,499并未在HTTP RFC文档。这
ApplicationGatewayCustomErrorStatusCode.HttpStatus403 Field Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.Models Assembly: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.dll Package: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent v1.38.1 C# Copy ...
HTTP: Response to Client; HTTP/1.1; Status Code = 400 - Bad Request HTTP: Protocol Version =HTTP/1.1 HTTP: Status Code = Bad Request HTTP: Reason =Bad Request HTTP: Content-Type =text/html HTTP: Date =Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:36:36 GMT HTTP: Connection =close...
Nginx的访问日志中,存在499状态码的日志。但常见4xx状态码只有400、401、403、404等,499并未在HTTP RFC文档。这499错误日志,在流量较大场景下,特别是面向Internet的Web站点场景下还是很常见 。 2 案例 某客户反馈:Nginx服务器连续几天记录较多499错误日志,之后几天趋零,再回升,整体状况不定。
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Content-Length: 45 Content-Type: application/xml Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 X-Cache: TCP_MISS x-ms-request-id: b6ab5dbd-801e-002c-19d2-562310000000 X-Azure-Ref-OriginShield: Ref A: 30815D44600D42D8BE35AE90D18846CE Ref B: BL2EDGE1016 Ref C: 2019-08-19T21...
For files whose extension is .jpg or .txt, the HTTP 403 status code is cached for 10 seconds, and the HTTP 404 status code is cached for 15 seconds. Before the cached HTTP status codes expire, DCDN POPs can directly return the codes to requests. After the HTTP status codes expire, req...