Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 403#1296 HBO2opened this issueDec 1, 2018· 12 comments Assignees Milestone 9.0.0 Comments Little Hack if you want to have a temporary readiness probe: Edit voyager operator readiness probe like that: ...
HTTP 404错误代码的含义 当一个 Startup 的调查无法成功时,HTTP 调查会返回 404 错误代码。这个错误代码表示请求的资源(例如文件、图像或视频)在服务器上找不到。这可能是由于以下原因之一导致的: 资源已被删除或移动:如果服务器的存储空间已满或资源已被删除,则可能会导致无法找到所需的资源。 URL错误:如果您输...
Hi, The skipper is throwing this Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 404 and making the cluster unhealthy. Please guide me on how to fix this, thank you
针对你遇到的“startup probe failed: http probe failed with statuscode: 503”错误,这通常表明在容器或服务的启动过程中,启动探测(startup probe)因为HTTP请求返回了503状态码而失败。503状态码意味着服务当前无法使用(Service Unavailable),这可能是由于多种原因导致的。以下是一些详细的排查和解决步骤: 1. 确认...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 404的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 404问答内容。更多Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe f
NAME STATUS MESSAGE ERROR scheduler Healthy ok controller-manager Unhealthy HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 400 etcd-2 Healthy {"health": "true"} etcd-0 Healthy {"health": "true"} etcd-1 Healthy {"health": "true"} 我集群3个master,三个worker。master分别为10.10.50.131~133,虚拟代理IP为...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 404的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 404问答内容。更多Readiness probe failed: HTTP prob
终于解决了!问题与 1.11.2 版的 daprd 在启动时连不上 k8s 集群中已有的 rabbitmq 有关。
code: 503 [root@wecloud-test-k8s-1 ~]# kubectl get componentstatuses NAME STATUS MESSAGE ERROR scheduler Healthy ok controller-manager Healthy ok etcd-0 Healthy {"health": "true"} etcd-2 Unhealthy HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503 etcd-1 Unhealthy HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503...
HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 500表示您的应用程序未成功启动,或在运行状况检查路径(活动/就绪...