HTTP Error 403: Forbidden when trying to download the MNIST dataset using using pytorch 1.6.0 and torchvision 0.8.0. Could not get torchvision 0.8.1 to run on my machine due to CUDA version incompatibility. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: from torchvision import datasets d = dat...
(1/2)暑假期间我一直(远程)在斯坦福实习,主要参与了新版本的图神经网络系统--PyTorch Geometric(PyG)的设计与升级工作。在即将发布的PyG 2.0中,很多全新的功能都有覆盖,包括对于Hetergeneous Graph (异质图)的支持,包括更容易尝试各种图神经网络(GNN)组合的GraphGym,也包括我主要负责的GNN profiling和benchmarking的部...