textTransform 属性设置或返回文本的大小写。语法设置textTransform 属性:Object.style.textTransform="none|capitalize|uppercase|lowercase|inherit" 返回textTransform 属性:Object.style.textTransform 值描述 none 默认。没有被转换的字符。 capitalize 每个单词的首字符转换为大写。 uppercase 所有字符都转换为大写。
none 值用于移除超链接的默认下划线。 text-transform 用于将任何 HTML 元素的文本内容转换为大写,小写,或根据值设置是否大写。 文本缩进 text-index 属性是用于指定文本的首行缩进量。 CSS字体文本的字体效果可以通过以下的 CSS 属性来设置: 字体系列 font-family 属性用于 HTML 文档中的文本的字体。有两种类型的font...
keyword2,keyword3”> <meta http-equiv=“description” content=“this is my page”> <meta http-equiv=“content-type” content=“text/html; charset=UTF-8”> <!–<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”./styles.css”>–> <style type=“text/css”>...
text-transform JavaScript syntax: textTransform Values: uppercase | lowercase | capitalize | none | inherit Initial value: none Applies to: All elements. Inherited: Yes. Description: text-transform changes the case of letters in an element....
php echo $title; ?></title><text><?php echo $article; ?></text></component>`constresult=posthtml().use(require('posthtml-custom-elements')()).process(html,{directives:[{name:'?php',start:'<',end:'>'}]}).htmlconsole.log(result)...
代码: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .reversed-text { transform: rotateY(180deg); } </style> </head> <body
In an input adapter service class, you take the input string and transform it into more specific parameters that other classes in the service know how to process. One of the issues you may run into when using the extender is that it doesn't prevent the default event when the user clicks...
/* table-cell的方式具有一定局限性 */display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;text-align: center; transform的方式 CSS /* transform变形平移的方式 */position: absolute;left:50%;top:50%;transform:translateX(-50%)translateY(-50%); 浮出效果 ...
Multiple users have requested to transform HTML content, in one way or another, to transform HTML content into a PDF, using pdfmake. I is definitely not a simple task and I'm unsure of a good strategy. But I'm open to suggestions. This is a common place to discuss ideas and solution...
14.2 首行缩进:text-indent 14.3 水平对齐:text-align 14.4 文本修饰:text-decoration 14.5 大小写:text-transform 14.6 行高:line-height 14.7 间距:letter-spacing、word-spacing 14.8 本章练习 第15章 边框样式 15.1 边框样式简介 15.2 整体样式 15.3 局部样式 15.4 本章练习 第16章 列表样式 16.1 列表项符号:...