{ "face_num": 1, "faces": [ { "attributes": { "gender": { "value": "Male" }, "age": { "value": 26, "range": 5 }, "smiling": { "value": 96.124, "threshold": 50.0 }, "headpose": { "pitch_angle": { "value": 24.113, "threshold": 10.0 }, "yaw_angle": { "valu...
Setting Font Color We can set any font color of our choice to the texts usingcolorattribute. To specify the color, we can use either the color name or hexadecimal code of that color. Note:You can check a complete list ofHTML Color Name with Codes. ...
DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><metacharset="UTF-8"><title>@font-face and<canvas></title><styleid="css">@font-face{font-family:'Press Start 2P';src:url('fonts/PressStart2P.ttf'); }</style><style>canvas, pre {border:1pxsolid black;padding:01em; }</style></head>...
Same goes for the <big> tag which causes text to be rendered with a system font that has a size of SIZE_LARGE. Note that not all system fonts, faces, styles, and sizes are available on all handsets. In fact it is very rare that a device has the full range of fonts representing ...
This will produce the following result −Specify alternate font facesA visitor will only be able to see your font if they have that font installed on their computer. So, it is possible to specify two or more font face alternatives by listing the font face names, separated by a comma....
Note that the font Courier New is in the same family as Courier. You can list Courier after Courier New in your font stack to offer two different, but similar, options to the browser.When to use this font: This font is great for reports and technical documentation and is popular in the...
I tried adding font, and setting fontFaces attribute and I changed @font-face CSS when i log doc.getFontList() it shows the Poppins font but when i try to generate the pdf it shows me these errors that is my code const doc = new jsPDF({ unit: "pt", putOnlyUse...
Full support for Variable Fonts (including CSSfont-variation-settingsandfont-optical-sizing) is available in EdgeHTML 17. Variable fonts enable developers to achieve the look of seemingly different typefaces with a single font by adjusting various axes – reducing the need for multiple font...
UltraEdit is designed to be an all-in-one solution. It solves every challenge a developer or IT professional faces: programming and project management, text data and record reformatting, data sorting, large file manipulation, remote file operations, advanced file searching, and more. ...
For example, a header image that shows a group of people may need to be cropped differently for a mobile device than for a desktop device, so that the faces of the people are still visible. The bandwidth problem: This is the problem of serving different image sizes for different devices,...