(eg: "è", "<" etc)function html2specialchars($str){ $trans_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); return strtr($str, $trans_table);} ivan at lutrov dot com 4 years ago Be careful, the "charset" argument IS case sensitive. This is counter-intuitive...
Be careful, the "charset" argument IS case sensitive. This is counter-intuitive and serves no practical purpose because the HTML spec actually has the opposite.info at 8th dot at (12-May-2011 07:28) English: I'd found THE Final Solution! it finds and replaces all unknown letters!
Ë Ë Ë Uppercase "E" with diaeresis/umlaut. í í í Lowercase "i" with an acute accent. Í Í Í Uppercase "I" with an acute accent. ì ì ì Lowercase "i" with grave accent. Ì Ì Ì Uppercase "I" with grave ...
ISO-8859-1高位数字代码部分(从160-255)可以与实体名称一起使用。 Notethat the entity names are case sensitive. 注意:实体名称是区分字母大小写的。 ASCII Entities with new Entity Names ASCII新实体名称实体 ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities ISO 8859-1 符号实体 ISO 8859-1 Character Entities ISO 8859-1字符...
,/ HTML entity names ARE case-sensitive, so use them as shown here. Here you can see all the Unicode charactersthat your browser is capable of displaying. Click on any symbol to see an enlargement of the glyph. Select entity type:
Documentation For Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS) - massgrave.dev/build/our_non-piracy_site.html at 93942a90d20d0736354af867c8789afae4f108c1 · massgravel/massgrave.dev
HTML and XHTML processors must support the five special characters listed in the table below: Note: Entity names are case sensitive! ISO 8859-1 Symbols ISO 8859-1 Characters
Documentation For Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS) - History for build/credits.html - massgravel/massgrave.dev
”””Right double quotation mark „ Double low-9 quotation mark † Dagger ‡ Double dagger • Bullet ………Horizontal ellipsis ‰‰‰Per mille ′′′Minutes (Degrees) ″″″Seconds (Degrees) ‹ Single left angle quotation › Single right angle quotation ...
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