Foreign purchasers of Canadian products do not have to pay the HST provided that the goods or services will be solely used outside of the country. However,nonresidentsvisiting Canada, such as tourists,arerequired to pay the HST. In some cases, they may qualify for an HSTrebate.2 The HST’...
Let’s start by discussing which businesses actually need to collect and remit GST/HST. You need to register for a GST/HST account and start collecting and remitting sales tax to the CRA if yourtotal business revenue(the amount your business earns before expenses)from your worldwide sales is ...
that is not correct. According to a GST/HST bulletin GI-064, businesses will get an instant point-of-sale rebate on the 8 per cent provincial portion of the HST. There are strict guidelines for qualifying products as well as how the HST must be shown on the sales ...