All goods and services sold in India are categorised under the GST law using the HSN code system . Services are classed under the SAC Code, while goods are categorised using the HSN Code. GST rates have been set in five slabs, namely NIL, 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28%, depending on the...
while services are categorised using the SAC Code. GST rates have been set in five classes called slabs which are predicated on the HSN or SAC codes. These five slabs are: NIL, 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28%
HSN code 85414300 is for solar water heaters, including collectors and solar receivers. What is the GST rate for Solar cookers? The GST rate for solar cookers is 5%. What is the tariff code for solar panels? The tariff code for solar panels is 85414011. What is HS code 85414012? HSN co...
Goods & Services Tax is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that will be levied on every value addition. GST HSN/SAC code is must have apps for…
Sewage Treatment Plant Hsn Code Gst Restaurant Sewage Waste Water Treatment Plant, Find Details and Price about Wastewater Treatment Water Filter System from Sewage Treatment Plant Hsn Code Gst Restaurant Sewage Waste Water Treatment Plant - Jiangsu Huig
HSN Code GST Rates (%) I01-05Live animals; animal products0101-05110%, 5%, 12%, 18% II06-14Vegetable products0601-14040%, 5%, 12%, 18% III15Animal or vegetable fats and oils1501-15225%, 12%, 18% IV16-24Prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco1601-24030%, 5%...
Understand what HSN codes are, their structure, and their significance in GST compliance. Learn how to identify and use HSN codes for your business.
Find your product's HSN Code and GST Rate using our HSN Code Finder with which you can search by product name or code, and you can also use the category list to identify your HS Code.
Services Accounting Code also called as SAC Code is a classification system for services developed by the Service Tax Department of India. Using GST SAC code, theGST ratesfor services are fixed in five slabs namely 0%, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. ...
You can know SAC code of services. You can find all 6000+ records for GST HSN and SAC Code. GST is 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. Hey Download GST HSN/SAC Code App !! Know all about GST (Goods & Services Tax) HSN/SAC Code to use for your business and register your business or what...