Here it is mentioned that Engineering Drawing & Workshop Practice Part-1 exam will held on September 10, 2023 at students own college campus. Drawing sheet require for this test. Practical exam will be held on 26/9/2023 to 14/10/2023. HSC Routine for Jessore Board, Barisal Board, Chitta...
HSC Chemistry is also a useful tool for universities and schools in chemical practicals and studies. HSC 的目的是使传统的热力学计算的快速和容易的进行使用个人电脑。因此 HSC 具有广泛的 科学教育中应用的可能性,行业研究。热化学计算是有用的,例如,在开发新的化学过程和 改善旧的。HSC 化学也是化学实践...
6th english book class 5 books class 4 books class 3 books class 2 books class 1 books tnscert hse board hse 1st year class 11 practicals tn board class 11 physics practical tn board class 11 chemistry practical tn board class 11 botany practical tn board class 11 zoology practical class ...
- `~/.profile`: 登录之后 `~/.bash_login` 不存在的话, 才载入这个文件 只对单个用户生效,当用户登录时该文件仅执行一次。 - `~/.bashrc`: `bash shell` 只对单个用户生效,当登录以及每次打开新的 shell 时,该文件被读取。 - `~/.bash_logout`...