nra账户指的是境外机构境内外汇账号 其全称是Non-Resident Account。nra账户是以人民币为币种的境内外汇账户,是境外机构按规定在境内银行开立的境内外汇账户。nra账户是国内的外币账户,受国家外管局监管更严格,而且nra账户资金一般要求当天进当天出,不能过夜。
必须符合有关监管部门关于境外放款或授信规定),人民币账户主要有人民币存款、国际结算等业务 2.OSA:OFFSHORE ACCOUNT,可开展离岸银行业务的只有招行、浦发、交行和平安银行,在这四家银行的离岸业务部(OFFSHORE DEPARTMENT)可以开立OSA账户(但目前很难开户) 3.FTN:FTN账户(Free Trade Non-resident)是上海自由...
2.OSA:OFFSHORE ACCOUNT,可开展离岸银行业务的只有招行、浦发、交行和平安银行,在这四家银行的离岸业务部(OFFSHORE DEPARTMENT)可以开立OSA账户(但目前很难开户) 3.FTN:FTN账户(Free Trade Non-resident)是上海自由贸易试验区推出的自贸账户其中一种,是指境外机构自由贸易账户。FTN账号功能和NRA 账号相同,同样都是境...
2.OSA:OFFSHORE ACCOUNT,可开展离岸银行业务的只有招行、浦发、交行和平安银行,在这四家银行的离岸业务部(OFFSHORE DEPARTMENT)可以开立OSA账户(但目前很难开户) 3.FTN:FTN账户(Free Trade Non-resident)是上海自由贸易试验区推出的自贸账户其中一种,是指境外机构自由贸易账户。FTN账号功能和NRA 账号相同,同样都是境...
If you've got an international lifestyle, a non-resident bank account could make it easier to manage your money. Hong Kong expats Tailor-made services and local guides for expats moving to or from Hong Kong. What is offshore banking?
开户奖励要交税,会发Form 1099-int(forUS Person) 或者 Form 1042-s (forNon-Resident Alien (NRA)),这两张税表对各种身份都是很安全的不必有任何担忧。 开户奖励条件 此开户奖励一辈子只能拿一次:”Customers who have a current orpastHSBC account in the U.S. on file are not eligible for this offe...
HSBC aims to cater to the diverse needs of NRIs with a range of account options: NRE (Non-Resident External) Savings Account:This account serves as the gateway for your earnings from abroad. It offers the flexibility to deposit foreign currencies and the freedom to repatriate funds back to ...
Learn how to open an offshore HSBC Expat Account, available in GBP, USD and EUR. Manage your money from anywhere in the world.
HSBC Global Money Account is a prepaid, multi-currency account available on our the HSBC Mobile Banking App for customers who maintain an HSBC consumer deposit account. Data rate charges from your service provider may apply. HSBC Bank USA, N.A. is not responsible for these charges. Camera-...
If you've got an international lifestyle, a non-resident bank account could make it easier to manage your money. Start planning today Use our calculators and comparison tools to get a clearer picture of your finances. Grow my wealth