3.选择“Hard Drive Utilities”。 4.选择“Secure Erase”打开HP安全擦除软件。 5.从列出的设备中选择需要擦除的硬盘。 6.它会提示您此操作将擦除磁盘上的数据,确认操作并点击“Next”。等待几分钟后,所选磁盘上的数据将被成功擦除。 HP Secure Erase无法工作时使用替代工具擦除磁盘! 我们从上文中可以了解到...
清空回收站并不安全 针对这个问题,惠普战66五代提供了一项功能——安全清除(HP Secure Erase),该功能位于固件-安全-硬盘驱动器实用工具中,它可以将硬盘的数据彻底删除。这项功能完全杜绝了数据恢复的可能性,真正做到删除干净。 安全清除位于硬盘驱动器实用工具中 安全清除 回顾惠普提供的这几项安全功能,数据的存放、...
数据安全 惠普做到了极致 作为一款主打商务办公的笔记本电脑,惠普ProBook 450 G10在数据安全性方面做的很到位。除了常见的生物身份验证登录外,它还提供了HP Secure Erase数据底层擦除、惠无忧 U盘/移动硬盘禁用、惠无忧安全岛以及惠管家一站式服务等安全防护服务。HP Secure Erase数据底层擦除可以在系统底层删除硬盘...
Secure Fast Erase (1 pass):all pointers to the information are erased, and the information itself is also overwritten with a fixed character pattern. This method is slower than Non-Secure, but more secure. It may still be possible to access fragments of the erased information by using special...
The printer's hard disk is used as a temporary storage area for print jobs. Secure File Erase can erase your temporary files from the hard disk to protect them from unauthorized access. It begins to do so as soon as you turn it on, but old temporary files that were already on the ...
(单独另售) 18 HP 驱动器锁和自动驱动器锁;HP 指纹传感器;HP Secure Erase ;启动前身份验证;安全锁槽;预装 Windows 10 的机型内置 TPM 2.0 嵌入式安全芯片 (已通过 Common Criteria EAL4+ 认证) ;HP Sure Click ;Windows Defender ;第 5 代 HP Sure Start ;第 5 代 HP Client Security ;HP Sure ...
[24] HP Secure Erase 遵循 National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 中描述之「乾淨」清除方法。HP Secure Erase 不支援搭載 Intel® Optane™ 的平台。 [25] 第 5 代 HP Sure Run 僅適用於部分 HP 個人電腦,並需要使用 Windows 10 或更高版本。
HP Secure Erase; Power-on authentication; Preboot authentication; TPM 2.0 embedded security chip shipped with Windows 10 (Common Criteria EAL4+ Certified); HP Sure Click; HP Sure Sense; Support for chassis padlocks and cable lock devices; HP Sure Start Gen6; HP Sure Admin; HP Pro Security...
[35] HP Secure Erase 遵循 National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88 中描述之「乾淨」清除方法。HP Secure Erase 不支援搭載 Intel® Optane™ 的平台。 [36] Absolute 韌體出貨時已關閉,必須購買授權訂閱和完全啟用軟件代理程式方可啟用。可購買的授權訂閱期限從一年到多年不等...
Secure Erase Hard Disk Model NumberSecure Erase Completion DateSecure Erase Completion StatusAllow OPAL Hard Drive SID Authentication*DisableEnablePermanent Disable Absolute Persistence Module Set Once*NoYesAbsolute Persistence Module Current State*InactiveActiveSystem Management CommandDisable*EnableSureSt...