Howkins 释义 [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 豪金斯取自父名,来源于Hugh,含义是“休之子”(son of Hugh)
下载HOWKINS 字体文件到电脑桌面,下载成功您可获得对应字体的ttf文件或otf文件,使用电脑在字体图标上点击鼠标右键或者双击字体文件,选择点击【安装】即可安装;或者将下载的字体文件(例:HOWKINS.ttf)复制到“C:/Windows/Fonts”文件夹,也会自动安装。【苹果 Mac 系统安装字体方法】方法一、下载 HOWKINS 字体文件 到电脑...
必应词典为您提供John-Howkins的释义,网络释义: 约翰霍金斯;郝金斯;约翰郝金斯;
字体转换器在线生成使用教程 1、字体选择:您可以在字体类目下通过下拉选择您具体想要的字体 2、输入内容:在上方文本框内输入您需要转换的文字内容,字数不限,可在展示框看到字体转换效果。 3、字效选择:字体转换器有各种字体效果可供选择,不同字体的效果会在字效编辑框内同步展现。 4、字体大小:字体转换器右边有调...
Jeff Howkins 也是有意思,以前因为兴趣而选择神经科学研究大脑,但是后来放弃而转入工业界,并创办 Palm 获得成功。之后又投资开始研究脑科学和智能原理 不过听了两期其他人采访他的 Thousand brain theory 的...
必应词典为您提供owen-howkins的释义,网络释义: 霍金斯;欧文;
Owen Howkins was born with a very unusual illness.According to Owen's father,Will Howkins,at present there are only around 30 people in the world with the illness.Owen always needs a wheelchair to get around.Not surprisingly,people are always looking at him,and that used to make the young...
世界创意产业之父谈创新——访约翰·霍金斯先生(Mr.John Howkins)
Eight-year-old Owen Howkins suffers from growth delays(迟缓) and poor eyesight. This means that Owen needs a wheelchair to get around. Not surprisingly, he felt people were staring (盯着看) at him, and that made him very uncomfortable, so he became lonely and even stopped going outside ...