The service 'MySQL' does run (automatically) on my laptop so I guess that doesn't cause the problem. Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions! Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed.
After fresh installation of MySQL, you can log in to MySQL prompt by only typing the “mysql” command on the servers command line without MySQL to ask the root password that you set up in the previous step. After typing the “mysql” you will be logged in the MySQL prompt. root@vps:...
Here, we’ll use MySQL Installer to set up MySQL on Windows. Before starting with MySQL Installer, you need to know what MySQL installer is. The wizard in the MySQL Installer makes it simple to install MySQL. Several other features, including MySQL Server, MySQL Workbench, MySQL Shell, and...
After installing MySQL, we’ll have several binary utilities available, and it’s easy to get confused regarding the use of each one. In this tutorial, we’ll see the purpose of the most used MySQL utilities, along with some examples. The explanations here also apply to MariaDB, a popular...
Q: How to use PHPMyAdmin after installation? A: Once phpMyAdmin installation is completed, visit your staging app link to access it. For example, Q: How to find the port for PHPMyAdmin?
After completing the installation, click on the Next button.Step 6: In the next wizard, we need to configure the MySQL Server and Router. Here, I am not going to configure the Router because there is no need to use it with MySQL. We are going to show you how to configure the server...
Finally, you are free to use your MySQL and the latest installed MyODBC. As a result, now, you have the chance to customize your PBX. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us More information ...
Open the MySQL installer and choose a full installation. Provide a password for the admin account when asked. Accept the remaining defaults and click Finish when done. During the installation you can change the port number on which the MySQL database runs, but it's best to just stick to th...
How do I configure MySQL after installation? After installing MySQL, you need to configure it for your specific needs. This involves setting the root password, creating a database, and creating a user for the database. You can do this through the MySQL command-line client or a graphical int...
Windows MySQL Installation OSX MySQL Installation Linux MySQL Installation How to Get Started After you have installed and verified each of the services mentioned in the section above, it’s time to begin working with your first database. For the purpose of this tutorial, we’re going to talk...