I am teaching myself C# by building a PowerShell module. I want to retrieve the PSScriptRoot property from the InvocationInfo class but it appears to be something that is called indirectly. Does anyone have guidance on a) how to invoke it or b) how to…
I am teaching myself C# by building a PowerShell module. I want to retrieve the PSScriptRoot property from the InvocationInfo class but it appears to be...
I am teaching myself C# by building a PowerShell module. I want to retrieve the PSScriptRoot property from the InvocationInfo class but it appears to be
I did not create this script (credit goes to benlaorg on Youtube), but it is free to download and use, so I will share it here: function Visible(){var Grps=app.activeDocument.layerSets;for(var i=0;i<Grps.length;i++){var tmp=app.active...
To create the source data file using a PowerShell script, you need to run the script called Get-LicensingInputFromAD.ps1.You can find the code for this script at the end of this article in the section called “PowerShell Script Code”....
2.2 Use Shell(使用 Shell) When you install Linux, you should create at least one regular user in addition to the root user; this will be your personal account. For this chapter, you should log in as the regular user. 安装Linux 时,除了 root 用户外,还应创建至少一个普通用户,这就是 你的...
“Import-Module: File path\scriptname.psm1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies athttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.” If you receive this error message, please change the execution policy to Unrestr...
I am trying to create a simple UXP script that will resize the current image in Photoshop and then save it to a user specified file location. So far, I have only written the image save code (i.e., no resize code), but it is not working. Here is the code: con...
I tried to use it with simple-romp but it did not work. I already created an issue at the ROMP repository and described my problem here and here in detail. The author of the ROMP repository answered there: About live blender driving, ple...
How to use audit to monitor a specific SYSCALL? Using SystemTap What issystemtap? SystemTap is a tracing and probing tool that allows users to study and monitor the activities of the operating system (particularly, the kernel) in fine detail. It provides information similar to the output of...