He was able to see the wild implications of Maxwell’s equations not so much because he was looking for new ideas as because he was stricter. 为了找到新想法,你必须抓住缺陷留下的痕迹,而不是选择忽视。这正是爱因斯坦所做的。他之所以能看到麦克斯韦方程的深远含义,一方面是因为他在寻找新想法,但更多...
Bruce Maxwell February 20, 2018 Matt, I live in CA. I am buying two commercial real estate properties, one in MS and one in MN. I understand that I need to form LLCs in those two states, but my question is do I also need to register those LLCs in CA as Foreign LLCs since I...
Maxwell described light as a very special kind of wave -- one composed of electric and magnetic fields. The fields vibrate at right angles to the direction of movement of the wave, and at right angles to each other. Because light has both electric and magnetic fields, it's also referred ...
Huge amounts of world energy have been produced from atoms ever since, but amid enormous controversy. Some people believe nuclear power is a vital way to tackle climate change; others insist it is dirty, dangerous, uneconomic, and unnecessary. Either way, it helps if you understand what ...
Questions for Jeremy Birnholtz regarding his talk: Self-Presentation in Sociotechnical Life: How We Present Ourselves to Each Other in a World of Digital Platforms. "Self-presentation, rooted in Goffman’s classic work, is the fundamental...
Coleman, BethEllis-Caird, HelenMcGowan, JohnBenjamin, Maxwell J.British journal of health psychologyColeman B, Ellis-Caird H, McGowan J, Benjamin MJ. How sickle cell disease patients experience, understand and explain their pain: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis study. British journal of ...
However, to elucidate the ecological role of fungi in communities, as well as understand their ecological interactions with other group of organisms such as algae or bacteria, it is necessary to identify the metabolites they produce. Mass spectrometry has also improved the identification of fungal ...
Thus, managers have an ethical responsibility to allocate the firm’s resources in a way that promotes the overall welfare of society, regardless of whether these actions lead to specific results, such as increased profits or an enhanced image. Choi and Wang (2007) [31] asserted that corporate...
M., Maxwell C. R., Ehrlichman R. S. & Siegel S. J. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) in the Study of Schizophrenia: How Preclinical ERP Studies have Contributed to our Understanding of Schizophrenia . In Lajtha A., Javitt D. & Kantrowitz J. (eds.) Handbook of Neurochemistry and ...
which includes work-related and social-related social media usage. Employees’ choice to use social media for work or social purpose is driven by their desire to satisfy their wide range of needs. According to the explanation of uses and gratification theory, it is beneficial to understand the ...