I flail around just to make it all go away. It’s not pretty. On good days, though, I am able to notice the first glimmers of irritation caused by these things, kind of face them as soon as they turn up, and make a mental note not to let them build to a big yelling outburst...
Both the manger nor the Cross display that the God of all creation is willing to be humbled to the status of an animal or a criminal to reach the world with overwhelming grace—a grace more powerful than any authority on earth. And far stronger than any religious display, including our ow...
Overcoming the ok plateau: how to go beyond satisfactory and become an expert teacherthe GuardianGuardian
He rolled his eyes, which only made her madder, even as he completely tuned her out. “You know you can always go back to teaching, something I thought was your job.” he interjected. “You shut your mouth or I will send you to the office. If I see that book open...
Perthe New York Times, “Taking a melatonin supplement is sort of like taking a dose of sunset, tricking your body into feeling like it’s nighttime. It doesn’t put you to sleep as much as it tells the body that it’s time to sleep.” ...
A colleague of mine once wrote a hugely entertaining blog post entitled 'How to go to uni'. As the new term begins, here's my supplement: How to be a journalism student. (Note: there is now a wiki if you want to add extra tips/corrections/clarifications)
The Art of Reinvention- One Couple's Secret to Keeping Their Seasonal Business Thriving Start a business under 18 FAQ Can you start a business as a teenager? As a high school student, you can start your own business with the help of a parent or guardian. Some greatbusiness...
Nevertheless, the Paris Agreement epitomizes the failure of the international community to even begin the massive revolution in the global energy system required to address climate disruption. Climatologist James Hansen, considered a pioneer in the field, told The Guardian:“It’s a fraud really, a...
Abode reigns over Ring in this DIY system face-off, but it’s not a clean sweep... By Alina Bradford 11/11/2024 The Best Smart Home Security Systems We’ve tested and researched smart home security systems to help you find the right DIY......
Harrison nods and makes a gradual turn toward the coast. Franck instinctively reaches down to where Ken Allen is lying on the floor and taps his feet. The stricken pilot moves ever so slightly and Franck whispers,...