Your pulse is your heart rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. You can take your pulse using the radial artery in your wrist or the carotid artery in your neck. Somemedical conditionscan be a factor in determining the best place for you to take your pulse. For ...
How to take your pulse The best thing any person exercising can do is monitor their pulse. Your pulse is a great source of information, often warning you when your body needs to take things easy. It is also a valuable source when training. As this is thebeginners section, we shall not ...
如何给孩子测量脉搏 心率或脉率,是每分钟心跳/脉搏搏动的次数,是反映孩子健康状态的重要指标之一。 心率随年龄、精神紧张以及活动状态而不同。心率增快或减慢并非都是异常表现,但如果心率变化明显超过正常范围,可能是机体出现问题的信号。 正常心率是多少...
How do I check the pulse on my wrist?Place your index and middle fingers on the inside of your wrist, below your thumb. Use a watch with a second hand and count your pulse for 60 seconds. Write down your pulse rate, the date, time, and which side was used to take the pulse. ...
心率或脉率,是每分钟心跳/脉搏搏动的次数,是反映孩子健康状态的重要指标之一。 心率随年龄、精神紧张以及活动状态而不同。心率增快或减慢并非都是异常表现,但如果心率变化明显超过正常范围,可能是机体出现问题的信号。 正常心率是多少? 孩子的心率通常比成人快。静息状态时,健康成人心率约每分钟60到100次;孩子在睡眠时...
Another common place to take your pulse is the carotid artery, found on the neck between the wind pipe and neck muscle. Short of performing an electrocardiogram, doctors find that taking the apical pulse is the most accurate, noninvasive way of assessing cardiac health. The apical pulse provi...
Do you know how to take yourpulse? Infact, younese a hardcan ind your pulse in several p1. Here are two of2ed by 7, 275the eaiest places to find i. One i in your neck andtheearners.o 2 is in your writ. Let me ell you h 3 to takeforeigners,"your pulse in these two ...
...6 Understanding the Medical Terms ...6 What do I need to do before I measure my blood pressure? ...7 How do I use a digital monitor? ...
Byline: Petrina Vousden Health EditorA DOCTOR was given a senior post here although she was so incompetent she could not even take a pulse.Dr Asia Ndaga was eventually removed from her high-level job after it was also discovered she was unable to make basic readings of a patient's ...
Therefore, taking the pulse takes skill, but with practice, mistakes can be avoided. To practice, take the pulse of a healthy adult and child on the wrist first. Feel for the pulse and remember how fast it beats and how strong it is. This is important because when the time comes to ...