Your bank may also be able to save you from foreclosure by putting you on aninterest-only home loanor a shorter-term ARM to lower the monthly mortgage costs. Ironically, these will reset in the future and could land you back in a tough spot. However, it would buy you some time to ge...
Homeowner’s Association (HOA) Contingency: If the property is part of a homeowner’s association, this contingency allows the buyer to review the HOA rules, regulations, fees, and financial health before proceeding with the purchase. If the buyer is not satisfied with the HOA terms, they can...
If you want to know how to get rich, you must take action. Here is what I did to predict the future about an explosion in western San Francisco real estate prices. 1) On the hunt every weekend Because I love real estate, design, and fitness, I try to go to as many open houses a...