Playtime outside the cage is important for Chinchilla well-being, but the little rodents can get into trouble even when supervised. To take the anxiety out of playtime with your chin, "chin-proof" the chinchilla play area by placingcables, wires and electrical cordsin protective sheathing such...
guinea pig or chinchilla, using a water bottle instead of a bowl ensures clean water for your pet and less work for you. You will not have to worry about picking bedding and food out of a bowl, or cleaning up the cage if it is knocked over. A...
unless it's movement. Light or dark isn't something they tune in to a lot. Because of this, you don't really have to worry about whether or not your dog or cat will hurt it's cute little eyes looking into the sun. Although, some dog groomers suggest maybe closing your...
I decided I was tired and wanted to go to bed. He begged me to stay up until he turned 30. I said okay. 11:59 rolls around and I’m waiting to yell “Happy Birthday Goodnight!” when he says “wait hang
Set up your dwarf rabbit's new home as a large exercise pen or a large cage (the bigger the better). Provide a litter box, with wood pellets or non-clumping cat litter. Give your dwarf rabbit access to plenty of fresh hay at all times. Dwarf rabbits under 6 months can have unlimited...
Pushing a parent’s emotional buttons can be entertaining and gives the child a sense of power and control. When you experience this regularly, you start to question yourself: “Am I doing something wrong? Is this my fault?” It leaves you feeling vulnerable, guilty, embarrassed, and ashame...
The lemon law means the seller of the vehicle will either have to make good on repairs or offer a refund for the purchase. But did you know that Massachusetts has a lemon law for pets, too?Basically, the pet lemon law protects those buying the animal in the case of there being some ...
however they require a good amount of maintenance. This is because chinchillas can grow depressed if left in a cage and not many people want a play pen taking up their living room, making it important that an owner takes the time to let a chinchilla out of their cage to play and explore...
However, check out particular information about your species, as some prefer more warmth, up to 90 °F (32 °C). If yours does, you can use a warming lamp set about 1 foot (0.30 m) over the cage.[6] If you use a warming lamp, check the temperature of your praying mantis's ...
Does your room smell like a pigpen because of your hamster's cage? If you investigate the source of the smell, you may find out it's not the cage, but the hamster itself that is beginning to stink! Though under normal circumstances hamsters should never really need a bath, which can di...