Today, all the first 118 elements are known, completing the first seven rows of the table, but chemical characterisation is still needed for the heaviest elements to confirm that their properties match their positions. It is not yet known how far the table will stretch beyond these seven rows...
Harry Potter himself, by the end of the series, fulfills this role, as he is constantly breaking rules, and uses two unforgivable curses and robs a bank by series' end in order to off Voldemort once and for all. The Unscrupulous Hero This is as dark as you can get with your anti-h...
Let Your Alarm Clock Ring –I’ve found that years of training in jumping out of bed when the alarms rings has created in us a kind of a built in automatic “awake” reaction to the alarm clock. Set the alarm clock to ring at random times in the next few minutes. Go about your wo...
But God came through for me this year, around February, I started going to Church. In my sister church they had a program for women praying for the fruit of the womb and I followed her to her church, while praying, the pastor came to me and said “Sister who did this to you?” ...
Today, the IPCC estimates a sea level rise of 1 foot by 2100. A fact not explained is that if all of Greenland’s ice were to melt in the next couple years, the resultant sea level rise of about 20 feet would take about 1,000 years. ...
However, despite the blockade, Russian ships carrying the missiles remained on track for Cuba.On October 26th the EXCOMM recieved a letter from Russian leader Nikita Kruschev stating that he would agree to remove the weapons if America would guarantee not to invade Cuba. The following day a US...
They dragged me out, these sons of dogs, with curses and execrations, beating me with their fists and kicking me as I lay upon the ground. I had frequently observed that the mountaineers wore cloth swathed round their feet, but never did I imagine that I should have so much cause to ...
All these could be forgiven, for others of their kidney were to be found among the ranks of the English. But one officer of Massena's force had committed a crime which was unspeakable, unheard of, abominable2; only to be alluded3 to with curses late in the evening, when a second ...