Dedication - MoneyߝHow to Save It, Spend It, and Make ItELSEVIERMoneyߝhow to Save It Spend It & Make It
I used to employ a technically brilliant driller who could complete a hole in less time than any of my other engineers. The trouble was, he could not have cared less about core recovery and his core boxes might as well have contained dust. This of course put him at odds with my site ...
The need for increased memory space and higher speed in computers has fueled the demand for smaller and faster computers. However, as the computer chips miniaturize, it becomes inevitable that we need to look at the possibility of manipulating and addressing atoms and molecules individually. One ...
doi:10.1007/s11747-020-00755-xJenni SipilSascha AlaviLaura Marie Edinger-SchonsSabrina DrferChristian SchmitzSpringerJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science
radiation therapyPoster presentation - Lorraine Walsh. ASTRO 52nd annual meeting, San Diego, Nov-2010. (Int. Journal Radiation Oncol. Biol. Physics 2010; 78(3), Supplement, 3148).doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2010.07.1664Elsevier Inc.International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics...
Natural Resources ForumExperts address the question: How important is security of land tenure for achieving sustainable development goals?[J] . Kadir OsmanGyasi,Estebancio CastroDiaz,María ElenaMartínez‐Torres,Peter M.Rosset,Dr. CharlesPalmer,KomenKibii,Dr. MichelleMycoo,Dr. Talia Vela deEiden,...
To better understand the underlying relation between reflections and interest, we performed an in-depth analysis of the quality of students' reflections and presented characteristics of interest-fostering reflections.doi:10.1007/s10649-020-09982-zMichael Liebendrfer...