It’s important to note that STR reports or STAR reports aren’t related to star ratings that help you gauge guest satisfaction. Rather, an STR report uses a variety of KPIs and metrics to show how well your hotel is performing compared to your competitors. To do this, STR Inc. uses da...
It’s one of the most recognized and relied upon tools in the industry, and it provides valuable information to hotels on a weekly basis. From how to get it to how to read it, here’s what hotel management and stakeholders need to know about the STR report. Table of Contents 1. What...
InCustom code, type the code. Errors in the code produce warnings when the report runs. The following example creates a custom function named ChangeWord that replaces the word "Bike" with "Bicycle". Public Function ChangeWord(ByVal s As String) As String Dim strBuilder As New System.Text...
First, import the Python logging library, and then obtain a logger instance with logging.getLogger(). Provide the getLogger() method with a name to identify it and the records it emits. A good option is to use __name__ (see Use logger namespacing below for more on this) which will pr...
You’ll still need to read a lot of papers to write a good lit review A lit review is more than the systematic data. I still believe you need to read a lot of papers in order to understand the literature and make a useful synthesis. If you just use AI you’re vulnerable to the‘...
This document explains how to output CSV (Comma Separated Values) dynamically using Django views. To do this, you can either use the Python CSV library or the Django template system.Using the Python CSV library¶ Python comes with a CSV library, csv. The key to using it with Django is ...
Generating a sosreport with SSH access Only if it is not possible togenerate a sos report without SSH, connect to the OpenShift 4 node where a sos report shall be generated via SSH and becomeroot: Raw $ ssh core@[NODE] # ssh with core user to the NODE using ssh key specified in ins...
Doug has a nice approach to using native VBA code. In fact, I usually take snippets of his contributions and put them in my knowledge base. I also purchased his book, which is a great read. I am resubmitting his code with a few modifications because if you just copy and paste...
Here is a JPG image that opens as follows,How to read “Exif”? as: function readFile(file) { if (!file.exists) { alert( "Cannot find file: " + deodeURI(file.absoluteURI)); } else{ file.encoding = "BINARY";"r", "TEXT", "???"); var str = file...
I tried to find a solution in the scripts that @Lumigraphics shared, but i got empty message. What is wrong in my code? var XMLfile = new File("/Users/rsmilevicm/Documents/test.jdf");'r'); var str = ""; str =; XML...