The next thing you will need is theVTF plugin for GIMP, so that you can open and save Valve files. You need to extract it, and put its contents intoC:\Program Files (x86)\GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins(adapt path for your installation directory). If you now open/restart GIMP, you...
Aside from the massive headaches and maintenance issues with outdated mods breaking servers (especially after game updates), Valve put a lot of thought in to TF2 game pacing and balance, and judging by their wild success they seem to have gotten it right. So, if it ain’t broke don’t ...
In today's open source roundup: Run Linux on your Chromebook. Plus: Team Fortress 2 for Linux gets an update on Steam. And Samsung dumps Google+ in the Galaxy Note 5.
Guys, you're not supposed to put the final VTF file in the GCFscape thing, you have to go to steamapps/Username/Half Life 2/Materials/Models and then make a folder with the same name as the folder in GCFscape. Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote hyperscope - Mar 8 2007 - 28 ...
So where are we now. Well, obviously I run PP in my spare time and I play as many maps and mods as possible, but I have to be honest that I enjoy being a webmaster as much as I do playing the games. I still occasionally play other games but I have become so ingrained into HL...