How to Say ItThis page will give you an idea of what you can eat and how to pronounce it so that you can order on your own in a Greek restaurant without pointing. But pointing is OK too so if you don't memorize all these don't worry. This may be a good page to print out. ...
Medical terminology ishardto pronounce, and this word certainly makes the list. The misinterpretation of the pronunciation of thefirst syllablecan cause people to stumble when speaking. 56. Oregano Correct: uh-REG-uh-noh Incorrect: oh-ruh-GAH-noh “The chef sprinkled fresh oregano over the pizza...
and that way I’m also able to shop the current sales to use the majority of my monthly grocery budget towards future months. This method allows me to keep my grocery costs low and pre-plan for meals while
and that way I’m also able to shop the current sales to use the majority of my monthly grocery budget towards future months. This method allows me to keep my grocery costs low and pre-plan for meals while