You can learn multiple ways to say I love you and more than 100 ways to say I miss you in different languages. There is a translation of ‘I miss you’ in the Asian languages. Asian LanguagesHow To Pronounce I Miss You How to say I miss you in Hindiमुझे आपकी...
Pronounce the suggested wording.Afrikaans— Hallo (hello) pronounced Hu-llo Alibamu (Southeastern Native American) — chíkmàa Amharic— "tena yistelegn," which is very formal. You can also say "Selam." Albanian— Tungjatjeta (pronounced To-ngyat-yeta) means have a long life, or c'...
Maori: Kei te aroha au ki a koe Marathi: Me tula prem karto Mohawk: Kanbhik Mongolian: Bi chamd khairtai Moroccan: Ana moajaba bikIceberg Roses Daisy Mariposa N Nahuatl: Ni mits neki Navajo:Ayor anosh'ni Ndebele: Ngiyakuthanda
And if you need to know how to say hello in different languages, we've written a post for that too. How do you actually say “hello” and “hi” in English? “Hello” is pronounced /həˈloʊ/, and “hi” is pronounced /haɪ/. Both are exclamations; we pronounce them stro...
How does the Crow tribe pronounce their greeting? How did the Mohawk tribe get their name? How did the Shawnee and Omaha tribes travel? How did the Blackfoot tribe travel? How was the Sioux tribe organized? How does the Maori differ from Haida? Did Navajo live in teepees? How did the...
And besides that, the rest of us could benefit. Even for non-Salish people it could become a marker of regional pride and take on the same kind role that Hawaiian has, with people using set phrases. Yes, I am aware that “Aloha” is a lot easier to pronounce than “Haʔal ti ads...
Monica Saggioro:We wanted something short and sweet, a Brazilian word that was short, easy to pronounce in different languages, and also had an available URL. MAYA fit all these criteria. It basically means “mother” in Tupi-Guarani, which is the Brazilian ...
I’m changing my screen name from DR, which isn’t really pronounceable and which I keep forgetting anyway. Agricola was the father-in-law of Tacitus, whom the historian put forth as proof of the possibility of being an honorable man in the dishonorable age of the emperor Domitian. Posted...
Let's start right now / Let's start at the moment / at once. ..9.例文How to practice spoken EnglishHello, everyone! I'm happy to have this chance to share my ways of practicing spoken English.First, as I'm not a native speaker, I especially pay attention to how I pronounce every...
I guess it WoUld be that the Work WaS generaIIy ChoSen based Off the PlaCe I Wanted to be, and not the Other Way around. I now realize how much Ive Iearned from having to adapt to every new role and WOrk across a Variety OfindUStrieS With different groups Of people. ProfeSSional devel...