The TI-84 Plus is one of a series of graphic calculators made by Texas Instruments. In addition to performing basic math functions, such as multiplication and linear graphing, the TI-84 Plus can find solutions for problems in algebra, calculus, physics and geometry. It can also calculate stat...
Figure out the coefficients a, b, and c by looking at the given formula. For example, if you are asked to solve the parabola 3x^2 + 5x + 1 = 0, a is 3, b is 5, and c is 1. Put the values from Step 1 into the quadratic formula: x = -5 ± sqrt (52 - 4(3) (1))...
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program completes the calculation, then don't worry, it's not magic. You can actually find the line of best fit yourself without a spreadsheet program by just plugging in numbers using your calculator. Unfortunately, the formula is complicated, but it can be broken down into easy, manageable...
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