For Top, best choices are tanks such as Dr. Mundo, Sett, and Tahm Kench. There are also more offensive-oriented exceptions such as Wukong and Lillia. On the other hand, in the Jungle, tried-and-tested Master Yi and Warwick continue to be a part of the meta, and so do tougher option...
Jungle Known as junglers, they are the most unpredictable as they do not stay in lanes but rather in the middle of the jungle. As explorers of the game, they have the freedom to move around the entire arena and are responsible for eliminating epic monsters and providing support in lanes. ...
Even jungle, which was arguably the most defined role, was heavily dependent on what champion a particular player wanted to play. It should be noted that in this same game, Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng played Poppy bottom and Dyrus, on Taric, joined him after his disconnect with Epik Gamer. ...
Caitlyn, Corki, and the newly released Jinx are popular ADCs, while Thresh, Sona, and Zyra are played quite a bit as supports. Above: Popular jungle champion Zac kills a wraith to get some XP. The jungler is the wandering helper of the team. He wanders through the space between lanes,...