Moving forward,main()iterates overCoin’s constants. Because these constants are stored in aCoin[]array,main()evaluatesCoin.values().lengthto determine the length of this array. For each iteration of loop indexi,main()evaluatesCoin.values()[i]to access theCoinconstant. It invokes each oftoCo...
// Declares String reference variable str1 and str2 String str1; String str2; // Assigns the reference of a String object "Hello" to str1 str1 = new String( "Hello World !!" ); // Assigns the reference stored in str1 to str2 str2 = str1; System.out.println( str1 ); //Hel...
In this code snippet, we have used the parseInt() function to convert the string written within double quotes. The last variable, i.e., var F, signifies that we have not used any integer within the double-quotes. So, it returns aNaN (not a number). The second lastvariable (var E)re...
Program to convert hex string to long in Scala objectMyObject{defmain(args:Array[String]){valhexString:String="42e576f7"println("The Hex String is "+hexString)valintVal:Int=Integer.parseInt(hexString,16)vallongInt=intVal.toLong println("HexString to Long value : "+longInt)}} ...
parseInt("9k1", 30)]) .toString(); return; final String x = StringAddition.d[8388608 >>> 4183]; System.out.println(x); } // iftrue(Label_0003:, x.hashCode() == 1033634479) // monitorenter(array) // monitorenter(array) catch (EnumConstantNotPresentException i) { throw n.i = i...
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // j a va 2 s. com System.out.println(Integer.parseInt("010",8)); } } The output: Next chapter... What you will learn in the next chapter: How to convert an integer value to byte, double, float, int, long and ...
int no = Integer.parseInt(string); String hex = Integer.toHexString(no); System.out.println("Hex value is " + hex); How to convert a long to and from hexIn case you need it, the Long class has Long.parseLong() and Long.toHexString() analogous to the Integer methods above. ...
// function to calculate factorial fun fact(n : Int) : Int{ if(n==0 || n==1) return 1 return n*fact(n-1) } // main function fun main(){ println("Enter number") var num =-1 // reading user input num = Integer.parseInt(readLine()) // using function in string println("Fa...
In the above code, we have a hexadecimal string namedhexString, and then convert it to integer value usingparseInt()method ofIntegerclass and stored the value to a variable namedintegerValue. We will convert this integer value to byteArray using thetoByteArraymethod ofBigIntclass and store it...