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Under conditions of human dry immersion, an electrical (and, of course, mechanical) activity of the soleus muscle can be significantly increased if mechanical pressure (mechanical stimulation) is applied to the foot [5,6]. This demonstrates that even when the axial loading is...
S40G (hA), G75S (connecting loop between hAands1B), and T140S (s2A) are unlikely to affect protein stability. The R255 of PZ is surface exposed and is close to, but not involved in the binding interface. This is consistent with recent finding that R255H mutation has no effect on...
Perspective of Personalized Approaches to Autologous Cell Therapy Taking into account the results of numerous studies discussed, it is important to know the changes of pa- tient's stem/progenitor cells to develop the methods of individual pretreatment of autologous cell material...
The biogenesis of eukaryotic 20S proteasomes requires the accurate assembly of 14 closely related protein subunits and occurs in a complex series of chaperone-dependent steps. Important insights into this pathway are now provided by the high-resolution c
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