“I don’t know what you are talking about”, I retorted and thinking of my recent resolution about giving up on men I added, “I don’t have any big wishes and, to be honest, I don’t want to have any. I prefer to go with the flow.” I thought that sounded like a clever a...
Cliche, I know, but better than living passively and waiting for some supernatural forces to bring the ‘perfect partners’ to us. No, You Don’t Need to Reorder Your Life to Find Love I used to be obsessed with finding a soulmate who would not only complete me, but also enjoy a fair...
The one person who naturally functions on the same wavelength as you, because he/she is your soulmate - someone who could be a lover, or a best friend, but more fundamentally, someone who feels like a twin you were separated from at birth. So how does it work? It's...