Estrogen is a hormone that everyone's body needs to function properly. Increase estrogen fast by eating well, exercising, and taking supplements that contain phytoestrogens. Estrogen is a hormone that everyone’s body needs to function properly. When you’re low on estrogen, you may experience a...
Sexy stories, steamy movies, and evensultry musicare all *chef's kiss* arousal aids you should have at the ready, Dr. Hill suggests."Any activity that increases arousal will help with natural lubrication," she explains. "We encourage women to find what arouses them and incorporate that into...
but exactly how is more of a mystery. Estrogen levels in women with PMS or PMDD are almost always normal. The problem may instead lie in the way estrogen "talks" to the parts of the brain involved in mood. Women with PMS or PMDD may also be more affected by the normal fluctuations...
If you notice that your hair is breaking or shedding, make an appointment to get evaluated by a healthcare provider immediately. They may need to run blood work to evaluate for anemia, autoimmune markers, irregular hormone levels, thyroid abnormalities and vitamin deficiency. Other causes may incl...
Sex hormone imbalance: Throughout the month, one’s sex hormone levels (such as estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone levels) can fluctuate. Imbalance can occur and has beenscientifically suggestedto be a catalyst for nervousness or intensifying anxiety disorder symptoms. ...
In women, menopause typically occurs around age 51, accompanied by a sharp decrease inestrogenlevels. This can cause hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. It's important to stay active andengagedin activities that we enjoy so that we can continue to lead fulfilling lives. ...
In women, bone loss increases after menopause when estrogen levels drop. In the 5 to 7 years after menopause women can lose up to 20 percent of their bone mass leaving them at risk for fracture. Everyone has cells that remove bone in their body and other cells that re-build bone. This...
Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer among women in the United States. Life insurance is an important protection that should be available to everyone, but cancer is considered a pre-existing condition. The big question is, can you find affordable breast cancer life insurance...
Flaxseeds— Flax is great for skin health and general health as itmodulatesestrogen levels and may also increase collagen production. You can sprinkle flaxseed on your breakfast, in your smoothies or simply eat the seeds by themselves. Hydrating foods— Because dehydration can lead to bloating and...
3. Increase physical activity. Try toexerciseat least 3 times per week. Exercises stimulate the growth of collagen and also help blood circulation, which prevents sagging. This is especially helpful when you chooseupper body workouts. It is also a great way to helpprevent breast saggingby helpin...