Step 1:Open theStartmenu and typeExcel. While holding down theCtrlkey, click on theExcelapp to open it in Safe Mode. You will see a confirmation prompt. Step 2:ClickYeson the prompt to continue. Step 3:If Excel works properly in Safe Mode, you can disable add-ins to find the problem...
The INDEX function is one of the most used functions in Excel that is categorized as a Lookup/Reference Function. The INDEX function is used to extract a value or reference of a cell in an array or range based on the row number and column number you specified. It can also be used to ...
Most of the time, we ignore the spelling errors in Excel, because we often work with numbers and formulas. But sometimes, you need to check if you’ve made any spelling mistakes when creating some reports and datasets that may have texts such as column and row labels or in an entire wor...
The above formulas ignore cases when comparing text values. If you want to make the comparison case-sensitive, you need to use the EXACT function. The Excel EXACT function is used to compare two text strings and returns TRUE if both values are the same, and FALSE otherwise. You can either...
Ignore white-space characters:This option lets you ignore white spaces in between. For instance, finding the word ‘Days are good’ when you searched for ‘Daysaregood’. We’ll apply few of these options and see how it works with an example. ...
To ignore blank or empty cells from the count while counting distinct values,use the below formula: =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A10<>"")/COUNTIF(A2:A10,A2:A10&"")) Here,A2:A10<>""produces a TRUE or FALSE array of results. When a cell is empty or blank in the range, it returns FALSE. So ...