Falling behind on your loan or credit card payments is never a pleasant situation to be in. You're probably wondering how this may affect your tax refund. Watch this video to find out more about how judgments can affect your tax refund.
Gold's role in diversifying portfolios extends beyond inflation protection, offering an alternative to stocks and bonds in volatile markets. Kate StalterDec. 4, 2024 Annuity Pros and Cons Annuities offer guaranteed income and tax-deferred growth, but downsides may include high fees and opportunity ...
However, we need to keep the end goal in mind: getting rid of student loan debt. And note that learning how to get rid of student loan debt without paying doesn’t work. You can’t shake off student loans, and you might find yourself in a position of having your wages garnished to ...
Student loan wage garnishment works like this: Default on your federal student loans and the government can take up to 15% of your paychecks. For someone who normally takes home $2,000 each month, that amounts to $300 garnished. Payments have been paused for most federal student loans sinc...