Twiddling your thumbs as you try to figure out why your cat is attacking your dog is pretty useless at this point; you really need to become proactive to prevent trouble. Countless dogs get corneal ulcers from being scratched by a cat, and a bite can turn quickly infectious. Also, a dog...
Try to be aware of your behavior patterns, so when your emotions get the better of you, you can get an objective point of view. Recognize yourpatternsandtriggersand then take the step of sharing the information with your significant other. When you let your partner know what you need, you...
This is why I speak a lot about mindset above and why it’s integral to your success as at the beginning. Like any other skill when you are learning how to rap, freestyle rapping can be mastered, with growth you need to own the fear that comes with the uncertainty of looking like a...
You probably instinctively know there’s a relationship between colors and emotions. You might have worn red to intimidate your enemies (it works for athletes). Or painted a room pale blue to feel calm. Maybe you dyed your hair black as a teenager to evoke gloomy, existential angst and inne...
pistils, calyxes, stigmas, and bracts leaf changes and overall plant appearance watering and drying techniques near harvest yellowing fan leaves as a cannabis harvest indicator signs of a plant at the end of its life cycle how to prepare for harvesting cannabis flushing your cannabis plants, or...