Doing so might kill some larvae, but it will not kill enough of the eggs or larvae to eliminate the problem. That's because bleach passes down the drain too quickly to do a thorough job. If you have a garbage disposal, here's how to keep it clean and free of fruit flies: ...
Fruit flies in plants.Dry the soil out to eliminate the breeding spot. Spreading sand on top of the soil may help. Fruit flies in the kitchen.Get rid of produce –bananasand tomatoes are common culprits – that are attracting the flies. Inspect anywhere you store fruit or vegetables, inclu...
fitting lids. Rotting garbage odors attracts flies. Do not allow flies easy access to garbage. Use a liner in your trash can if possible. Do not allow garbage to accumulate in the bottom of trash cans. Steam clean and disinfect garbage cans and dumpsters periodically to help eliminate odors...
No matter the kind of fly, the key to controlling a gnat infestation is to locate the breeding source and eliminate or reduce it as much as possible." Are Gnats attracted to any specific smells? Or do they hate any specific smells? "This depends on the type of gnat. Fungus gnats tend...
If Phorid flies are found breeding in moist soil, garbage, or organic decaying matter, the only way to eliminate them is to remove the moist decaying matter. Spraying the infested areas with a pesticide will not provide control. Only proper drying and proper sanitation to these areas will prov...
Home remedies are incredibly effective when it comes to solving the perennial problem of how to get rid of fruit flies. But because the insects often lay eggs before you eliminate the adults, maintenance is required. You can help eliminate fruit fly infestations by combining trap methods with go...
From vinegar and essential oils, learn how to get rid of wasps quickly. These expert tips will keep nests from your home, indoors and out.
Woolly aphids are unlikely to attack houseplants or other plants, such as citrus, which are usually grown indoors in the UK. If you have clusters of white on a houseplant, it is more likely to be mealy bug or scale insects. The white growth of the woolly aphid has a similarly soft and...
Flies typically come inside homes by gaining access through damaged screens, cracks in the foundation, open doors, or open windows. Here’s how to identify, locate, and deter flies from becoming a nuisance inside your home.
They like full sun to partial shade, but enjoy cold weather, so grow them outside rather than indoors. They really do look spectacular against a cold, white backdrop of snow or frost. Caring and nurturing your Cavolo Nero Regularly water Cavolo Nero in warm weather, adding a mulch ofMiracl...