Thanks 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 답변 (1개) Jan2013년 3월 25일 0 링크 번역 MATLAB Online에서 열기 It is hard to guess. You create "x", but use "xCP". You interpolate the values of xCP at the points "t", whi...
Data analysis is only as good as the data used. Raw data usually has missing values and outliers that could lead to incorrect analysis. Data Cleaning is an iterative process and is often time-consuming. The Data Cleaner app in MATLAB®provides an interactive tool for completing data cleaning...
This shows how the Fourier transform works and how to implement the technique in Matlab. %Fourier Transform of Sound File %Load File file = 'C:\MATLAB7\work\abc_A4'; [y,Fs,bits] = wavread(file); Nsamps = length(y); t = (1/Fs)*(1:Nsamps) %Prepare time data for plot %Do ...
Open in MATLAB Online Hello, I am trying to use matlab to regrid a dataset. The original dataset is 128x193x12 (longitude x latitude x time) and I want to regrid it to a 180x193x12 matrix. I have the latitude of the original dataset as a 64x1 single (Dust_Data_lat), the longitu...
How to Do NUMEL Matlab? h = numel ( z ) returns the number of elements , z , in array h , equivalent to prod ( size ( z ) ) . In this format, h represents output variable name and z is the input variable name by using z we can pass any random database values to the functi...
How does Matlab Dot do? This function is used for calculating dot product of input arguments. The input arguments can be scalar, vector, real or complex values. And it can be in any format like matrices or multidimensional arrays. There are simple steps to calculating dot product and the st...
I have a MatLab GUI that is used to run a Simulink model in external mode, and with infinite stop time. This model is unloaded or stopped when a sinal from a torque transducer reaches the maximum value. Now I want to have a message box, in my GUI, that says somethi...
ways. The "clean" way is to double click on the Matlab Function block, go to the function tab and click "Edit Data." On the Symbols pane click on 'y' and in the Property Inspector change the Size from - 1, which means inherited, to 1. Do the same for the other Matlab Function ...
What I’d like to do in this exercise is: 1. Using MATLAB to start a new instance of Matlab on my computer 2. Setting up the Matlab instance 3. Entering the command “MATLAB-create-instance” 4. Starting the instance 5. Creating the new instance 6. Adding the new instance to the ...
First, the user needs to create an array called "data" containing these observations in MATLAB. Next, the user can calculate the standard error of the mean with the command "stderror = std( data ) / sqrt( length(data) )". The result of this command says that the mean of this sample...