Poisson's ratio is the ratio of the relative contraction strain (that is, the transverse, lateral or radial strain) perpendicular to the applied load to the relative extension strain (that is, the axial strain) in the direction of the applied load. Poisson's ratio can...
minute δAiexplain the extreme velocities of the secondary ruptures, as when\({\varGamma }_{i}\to 0\), any small (but finite) driving stress will cause a rupture to immediately accelerate to extreme values. We now examine three specific ruptures (1st, 4th, and 9th) that produce finite...
The Hill functional Hill is used and the Poisson's ratio ( v ) determines the penalty term of pressure in the functional. Further, the bulk modulus K is only used to determine the time step, for contact definitions and for hourglass stiffness. The Hill functional—not to be confused ...
Suggests that both compressional and shear-wave velocities are physically related to mineralogy and porosity for all water-saturated rocks and sediments of any porosity. Description of the Earth's plastic physical-mechanical equation system; Extended elastic equations; Applications of linkage.Holbrook...
a range of foam materials have gained considerable popularity, in which the density, Young's modulus and plasticity of foam materials are considered critical to crashworthiness. Relatively speaking, less attention has been paid to the roles played by the Poisson's ratio of foam or cellular material...
Logistic regressions are very common in the medical field, for example to: estimate the risk factors associated with a disease or a harmful condition, predict the risk of developing a disease based on a patient’s characteristics, or determine the most important biological factors associated with ...