Turning to the systematic process of content analysis, the conceptualization of the analysis process was inspired by Mayring’s (2015) sequential steps. This paper followed a structured procedure (Neuhaus et al.2022; Saldaña2009), and one author performed the coding process. First, we coded t...
Here, they depict the many dimensions of a rural Southern identity, from the barbecue to the college football, to the common phrases to describe a heightened degree of satisfaction, like “so good it makes you wanna slap ya mama.” Even though these may appear like cliched or stereotypical ...
The findings are still useful to describe the airline market variations during the pandemic and offer useful policy and managerial implications. Specifically, an airline’s decision to serve a route depends on the profit generated. Although not observed by researchers, an airline’s latent profit ...
Bottom: This USB computer microphone has been given a shiny plated finish to make it look expensive and high-quality.Inexpensive, easy to form into different shapes, lightweight, and disposable, plastics rapidly became the world's most commonplace and flexible materials in the 20th century. But,...
(Chin,1998a). These are second-generation multivariate models that allow two things: Firstly, the incorporation of abstract constructs that are not directly observable, specifying a measurement model. The second use is to determine the degree to which the measurable variables describe the latent ...
Previously proposed models describe the course of CFS from biopsychosocial to immune-inflammatory aspect, but perhaps this complex disorder may need the aid of translational medicine or genotyping microarrays to explore the molecular aspect40,41. Two possible mechanisms are discussed here. Abnormal ...
DONNY: That's correct. Or you can use the phrase "gut feeling". It also means hunch.YM: ...
The bug out bag is something that is ingrained into the fabric of the prepping community. Odds are good that most survivalists and preppers either have a bug out bag ready to go or are intimately aware of what one is and how to construct one. ...
We have accepted overextension as a way of life. We're so addicted to an adrenaline-fueled lifestyle. Q: What are some outmoded notions about success that you describe in the book? A: Some of the false theories about success that the book dismantles are the ideas that you can't have...
How_to_get_your_research_published._china.2013.ppt,* * Declaration of Helsinki: /en/30publications/10policies/b3/ Bionet: /pdfs/BIONETexpertReport.pdf ICH GCP: /LOB/media/MEDIA482.pdf Over three years (2006-2009), the BIONET project examined challenges o