You will need to have the SIN number of the person you plan to name as the beneficiary. Then simply visit your preferred financial institution, like your bank or credit union, to open the account. You may also be able to open the account online. The provider will also be able to help...
Follow these six easy steps to open a savings account, and learn which banks in Canada allow you to open savings account online.
Tips to Help You Save On Gas How to Save Money in 8 Easy Steps How to budget and make money Passive Income: What It Is and How to Make It Budgeting 101: How to Budget Your Money Ways to Make Money Online and Offline in Canada Credit Score How Do Credit Inquiries Work? What is...
set up a monthly money transfer to your various savings goals. (You may use multiple savings/investment accounts for different needs.) It might also be a good idea to automate a money transfer into a separate chequing account associated with a debit card that you can use for gui...