How do I format a DOI in APA Style? When should I use “et al.” in APA in-text citations? How many authors do I include in an APA reference list entry? Should I include the exact publication date or just the year in an APA journal citation? Cite this Scribbr article If yo...
Some books come in multiple volumes. You may want to cite the entire book if you’ve used multiple volumes, or just a single volume if that was all you used. Citing a single volume When citing from one volume of a multivolume book, the format varies slightly depending on whether each v...
You can embed this information within the sentence or cite it at the end of the sentence, or use a mixture of both as long as all the components are used in your APA journal citation. Example: According to Currie (2001), “the difficulty of overcoming poor endowments later in life—...
How to cite an e-book in APA format The APA citation for an e-book that has a URL or DOI follows a similar format as a standard book citation. The main distinction is the inclusion of its DOI or URL, which is formatted as an active link. This is placed after the publisher’s name...
Source (e.g., URL or DOI for online materials) When to reference a PDF in APA format If you used a PDF as a source in your academic writing, you must reference it. Failure to do so can be considered plagiarism. Here are a few circumstances in which you might cite a PDF in APA ...
How to Cite a Web Site in APA, CSE, AMA and MLA Style APA (American Psychological Association) style: Note: This applies to general web sites only--formats vary for different electronic media (podcast, blog posting, ebook, etc.). It is an interpretation of the information in the sourc...
Learn how to cite a PDF for a book, article, or paper. Whether it's for work or your own projects, citing sources is a key part of the process.
APA is known as the American Psychological Association and is a type of citation format. Citations are used to give credit to the original authors and still use the work in essays. The most important thing to citing work is knowing what the teacher or professor wants; sometimes they want ...
Example:As per Adams (2017), “Students face difficulty when they cite in APA format in their essays and research papers” (p. 200). Multiple Authors What if a source has more than one author? Name both of them in parentheses or a single phrase, and use ‘and’ between names. ...
Fearon, J. D., & Laitin, D. D. (2003). Ethnicity, insurgency, and civil war.American Political Science Review, 97(01), 75. How to Cite an Online Journal Article in APA The following examples show you how to format an online journal citation ...