they will come to see how a digitized planet spawned all manner of cultural symbols. They will realize how our society's folklore within the Internet was a living, breathing, dynamic thing. How it churned its details, not just from month to month or day to day, but from second to second...
If you want to get rid of annoying frogs, you will have to temporarily remove the habitat that they like: water and tall grassy plants. 4. Create a Barrier Some frogs can hop very high, but American Bullfrogs can only hop about a foot or two. Keep new frogs from coming into your ya...
Crown of thorns is native to Madagascar. The genus was officially named in 1753 as part of theEuphorbiaceaeFamily. Legend has it this plant was used to create the crown of thorns that Roman soldiers placed on the head of Jesus Christ preceding crucifixion. ...
How I treat collectionGiannakopoulos, BillKrilis, Steven aTreon, Steven PTallman, Martin SAltman, Jessica KStone, Richard MStewart, a KeithRichardson, Paul GSanMiguel, Jesus FRadich, Jerald P
For Jesus love in this world we see The leaves of autumn touch the ground Tall trees,I am surrounded,abode As I look for the sky,I can smell the leaves When I pass by,the birds fly high to me Singing in the trees,the squirrels climb Up on the roots,an old oak tree With much ...
One of the reasons I wanted to become taller was so I could get my fingers around the pull-up bar and pull myself up. I was a little too short to use it without stepping on something. After stretching, I was just tall enough. It was not a huge increase in size, but it made a...