Jacob's ladder plants prefer partial or dappled shade. Varieties with dark green leaves can handle more direct sun than the variegated varieties, so long as the soil is kept consistently moist. Soil Plant Jacob's ladder in loose, rich, well-draining soil that will remain moist but not wet....
How to Build a Five-foot-tall Jacob's Ladder: This classic climbing arc completes any mad scientist's dungeon. Don't touch the electrodes: they're at 12 kV!
A big key in leveraging CDs is their stability and predictable returns. “For retirees who need money each year from their portfolio, CDs have the unique ability to take the market risk out of the dollars that they know they will need shortly,” said Jacob Sadler, a senior advisor at Cur...
Big data benchmarking: how do DFT methods across the rungs of Jacob's ladder perform for a dataset of 122k CCSD(T) total atomization energies? doi:10.1039/D4CP00387JTotal atomization energies (TAEs) are a central quantity in density functional theory (DFT) benchmark studies. However, so ...
What is a Short Story? Now that you know why you should be writing short stories, let’s talk about what a short story is. This might seem obvious, but it’s a question I’ve gotten a lot. A short story is short, right? Essentially, yes. But how short is short?