Before we look into the progress the experts have made in space farming, let's delve a little deeper into the obstacles they face. History of the ISS The U.S. had kicked around the idea of a space station ever since the Reagan administration. In 1993, the U.S. and Russia decided to...
Fall planting is typically preferred, as it allows garlic to establish strong roots before winter dormancy and results in larger, healthier bulbs. Here’s a breakdown of when to plant garlic: Fall planting (most common and recommended) Timing: Plant garlic 4-6 weeks before the ground freezes....
From blue jeans in RUSSia to SatelIite dishes in Iraq, PeOPle around the World are COVeting their neighbors lifestyles. WhyWeDO It 8 There are a Variety OffactorS driving consumption: • The desire to ShoW Off OUr SU eSS • The need to have What Other PeOPIe have • PrOlifi ...
Weeds are among the most harmful abiotic factors in agriculture, triggering significant yield loss worldwide. Remote sensing can detect and map the presence of weeds in various spectral, spatial, and temporal resolutions. This review aims to show the cur