Correlation is not destination Some would argue that world stock markets are now too closely correlated for this historic data to be of much interest. I say: not so fast! We are still seeing some highly divergent outcomes. Take Denmark versus the UK over the past decade: Denmark = 13.9% r...
The article contends that the British Labor Party wrecked its citizens' pensions. When Labor came to power in 1997, Britain's pension system was in good health. Britain's pension system is in a mess. A gap remains between the value of pension assets and the value of pension promises. ...
Add pension contributions and employer matches if pensions are a factor in your plan. Gross them up to account for tax relief. Don’t add investment income and gains. These are accounted for in the return assumptions that follow. The number you’re left with is how much you should be savi...
I hand wrote the forms as it was much easier to do. Saying that, when I made mistakes, I had to redo them which was annoying! I printed off six photo’s per A4 page and hand wrote on them what they were and the date they were taken. As long as your handwriting is fine to read...
Board meetings The Board meets approximately 11 times per year. Additional meetings are held as required. The annual programme is set by the Board prior to the start of each calendar year. To enable the Board to function effectively, management provides formal Board papers generally a week in ...
In addition to deciding what to invest in (and how much), it’s also important to think about where each of those funds is going to live. Income from bonds usually gets taxed as ordinary income, so bonds are better off in a tax-deferred account like an IRA or 401(k). With internati...
Yeah, I’m with Kitten, it isn’t the size as much as the who is making all these robots? Is there a company or an index in robots? How do we ride this wave? The other side of this is when all so many people are going to be replaced by robots and algorithms, who will have...