L.N.KimTHERAPEUTIC INNOVATION AND REGULATORY SCIENCEHuh J, DeLorme DE, Reid LN, Kim J. How Korean and White Americans Evaluate and Use Online Advertising and Non-advertising Sources for Prescription Drug Information. Ther Inno Reg Sci. 2013; 47 (1):116–124....
Among the eight items in the “Outline of the Claims of the Republic of Korea against Japan” that were raised during negotiations, “accrued wages of the requisitioned Korean[s]” as well as “compensation of damages by war to the requisitioned Korean[s]” were included. The Agreed Minutes...
I was pleasantly surprised at how many people came to simply enjoy the day for a stroll or picnic as there are a multitude of serene areas to take your mind off the stresses of life that often inhibit so many Koreans. If
Spider veins are tiny, damaged veins visible on the skin’s surface, frequently appearing on the legs or face. While they don’t pose any health risks, they can be an aesthetic issue for many people. Cancer patients, particularly those receiving chemotherapy, should carefully evaluate their trea...
Yet, strange things is, with the current crops of MBA’s that are exiting universities, they seem to think that people are numbers in a ledger, and quite disposable. Efficiency experts sorting out who to fire and who to retain. Not so in China. While in the USA, you might get a ...
As an American, I have been very fortunate to live a significant portion of my adult life outside the United States, including many years in Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and 1990s, where Middle Eastern culture and Middle Eastern cultural values were still the dominan...
June 5, 2000 - As the 50th anniversary of the start of the Korean War approaches, one key statistic is being reclarified— the one detailing just how many Americans were killed in the war. For years after the war ended in 1953, the Pentagon published a figure of 54,260. That combined...
Sure, many children are innately creepy, and identical youngsters are vessels for evil pretty much without exception. (It’s called science, people.) But the little rascals in this sleek debut from Austrian duo Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala are in a class all their own. When Mom starts ...
americans from their workforce, but this wasn’t yeagley’s intent. he didn’t want anyone to get in trouble. no disciplinary actions were taken against any employee of the federal government based on yeagley’s presentation. his aim was to show that buried in the seemingly innocuous ...
white person, the average man in the street understands distinctly what it means.” Furthermore, the proverbial average man would ostensibly “find no difficulty in assigning to the yellow race a Turk or Syrian with as much ease as he would bestow that designation on a Chinaman or a Korean...