How many inches is 5 ft? Converting Units of Length: The abbreviation 'ft.' stands for 'feet,' which is a standard unit used to measure length. Length can also be measured using inches, yards, or miles. Answer and Explanation:
Find out how tall someone of 5 feet 4 inches is in centimeters/centimetres using our conversion chart
Method 1 – Using the CONVERT Function to Convert Cm to Feet and Inches 1.1 Cm to Feet Steps: Go toD5and enter the following formula: =CONVERT(C5,"cm","ft") Excel will display thelist of units. Choose Feet or enter it manually. PressENTERto see the result. Drag down the Fill Handl...
We can see a drop-down onCell B5. Apply the same toCell D5. Click the arrow onCell B5. Choose the desired unit from the list. We chose “in“. Choose “cm”onCell D5. Put the following formula inCell D4. =CONVERT(B4,VLOOKUP(B5,Units!C2:C9,1,0),VLOOKUP(D5,Units!C2:C9,1,...
Garage floors and heavy-duty driveways often use 5-6 inches. Commercial applications may require 6-8 inches or more. How much is 1 yard of concrete? When ordering concrete from a ready mix supplier, one cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet. So, if your project measures 10 ft long, ...
So the question is, will you ever have long hair? Let’s do the math. Let’s put you right in the middle of the figures I have already quoted with a growth rate of 5 inches per year and an anagen period of 3 years. This would give you 15 inches of hair as your terminal length...
Their Family Car Plunged 50ft Down a Cliff and Bounced off a Concret Post Just Inches from a 20ft Drop. Just How Did They Survive ? WHAT IS IT LIKE TO COME WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE?FEMAIL SPOKE TO THOSE WHO HAVE MADE THE GREAT ESCAPE...
Leave the lid setting on top of the canner slightly ajar and wait 5 minutes. Take the lid off the canner and remove your jars. (optionally you can wait another 5 minutes if the contents appear to be bubbling so hard it is coming out of the jars) Put the jars a few inches apart on...
Rockwool is a wool-like starter plug made out of rocks. Manufacturers melt special rocks and spin them into the fiber to make this product. Rockwool is used across many industries—commonly as insulation or grow media. The great thing about rockwool is how affordable it is. Compared to some...
Bathroom remodeling costs typically range from$9,000 to $48,000, but many homeowners will pay around$28,500 on average. While bathroom remodeling is a significant investment, it’s a great way to revamp your home. Your total project cost depends on various factors, including your bathroom’s...