How many inches is 5 ft?Converting Units of Length:The abbreviation 'ft.' stands for 'feet,' which is a standard unit used to measure length. Length can also be measured using inches, yards, or miles.Answer and Explanation: Become a member to unlock this answer! Create your ...
Find out how tall someone of 5 feet 4 inches is in centimeters/centimetres using our conversion chart
=CONVERT(B4,VLOOKUP(B5,Units!C2:C9,1,0),VLOOKUP(D5,Units!C2:C9,1,0)) Hit theEnterbutton. You’ll get “0” inCell D4. Put any value inCell B4and get the converted value inCell D4. Read More:How to Convert inch to mm in Excel Download the Practice Workbook How to Convert Feet...
At 5'2" (157.48 cm) you're as tall as: Emilia Clarke Camila Cabello Kim Kardashian Kylie Minogue Shakira In the US, the average height for men is 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm), and the average height for women is 5ft 4 inches (162 cm). This is according to data gathered by the Na...
Method 1 – Using the CONVERT Function to Convert Cm to Feet and Inches 1.1 Cm to Feet Steps: Go toD5and enter the following formula: =CONVERT(C5,"cm","ft") Excel will display thelist of units. Choose Feet or enter it manually. ...
For residential slabs, 4 inches is typical for patios, walkways, and driveways. Garage floors and heavy-duty driveways often use 5-6 inches. Commercial applications may require 6-8 inches or more. How much is 1 yard of concrete? When ordering concrete from a ready mix supplier, one cubic ...
Thank you for the wealth of information. I am 47 yr old, 4 ft 9 inches, yes I know very short. I hate shopping and now I know why, it takes way too much thinking. According to your test I am a natural dominant style with sporty classic personality style. I have to say that pret...
So the question is, will you ever have long hair? Let’s do the math. Let’s put you right in the middle of the figures I have already quoted with a growth rate of 5 inches per year and an anagen period of 3 years. This would give you 15 inches of hair as your terminal length...
A ton of top soil covers an area of 50 square feet to a depth of 6 inches. Q. Is there a difference between soil and top soil? There are many different types of soil which are described inTopsoil, Compost, Triple Mix – What’s the Difference?
Their Family Car Plunged 50ft Down a Cliff and Bounced off a Concret Post Just Inches from a 20ft Drop. Just How Did They Survive ? WHAT IS IT LIKE TO COME WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE?FEMAIL SPOKE TO THOSE WHO HAVE MADE THE GREAT ESCAPE...