The waist is generally an obsession of female fashion, the crux of dress, often seen as a symbol of male repression. In the 17th and 18th centuries, women’s corsets in Paris were exclusively made by men; husbands laced their wives into them both as assertion of the brute force needed to...
imagine a country that has limited natural resources. One day, a shepherd stumbled upon an abundant cheap and renewable energy source only occurring within that country's borders that could provide enough clean energy for its neighboring countries for centuries. As a result, ...
All stories are about characters, and in love stories, there are certain types of characters who have appeared so many times over so many years, even centuries, that they've become character archetypes, patterns for characters that are near universal in storytelling. Youshouldhave one character (...
It’s also involved in scapular retraction and shoulder joint internal rotation. Like the rhomboids, the trapezius primarily comes into play towards the top of the pull-up movement. The pectoralis is better known as the chest. Many relegate the pectoralis muscles exclusively to pushing movements....