In the summer of 2013, a woman in British Columbia began hearing a loud, trumpet-like sound, and one morning she recorded it with her video camera and posted it to YouTube. While some questioned its authenticity, there have been other reports of a similar sound from Texas to Norway. Ther...
When he steps to the plate, he should receive a loud and lengthy standing ovation from the fans in attendance. He got a standing ovation in his first plate appearance this spring back with the Mariners, before promptly hitting a home...
Everything else:Nutella; Triscuits; Ryvita or Wasa crisps; cheddar bunnies or rockets, sadly nothomemade; at times, granola, chocolate, and cocoa for baking. I actually keep a box of baking chocolate in a cooler part of our apartment because our kitchen runs warm and I don’t want to ...
The first one I tried wasStar Trek: The Next Generation: Klingon Honor Guardand let me just say that my FPS SP gaming life nearly died on the exit of that little shuttle. All I remember about it, was this shuttle at the start of the game and the doors open and I had to get out....
In the short term the leftist takers will scream long and loud NO NO THATS UNFAIR TO ME. Which means it will not happen, which points to a bad end for humanity and society, particularly Western, or at least this incarnation of it Saylor Mar 29, 2017 at 3:09 pm “In the short...